January 27, 2021

Franchisor Representation

At Americas Franchising Group, we understand the demands and needs of franchisors around the world. At the core of any franchisors success is the quality, aptitude and attitude of their franchisee partners. Therefore it is imperative that Franchisors work with an experienced company to assist them in the qualification and vetting franchisee candidates prior to awarding of their brand.

At AFG, we partner with you for long term success. We have a streamlined multi step process that is designed to determine a candidates passions, strengths and weaknesses. Our objective is to bring only the most qualified candidates into your business, enabling you to grow with a solid foundation of committed business owners. Through our engagement with your franchisee candidates, we will quickly determine their suitability for franchise award and lead them through the entire process. In addition, all necessary disclosures are strictly adhered to as an extra layer of protection for your brand.

We have successfully worked with brands across many business segments to grow their presence both domestically and internationally. This includes; automotive, children’s fitness, education, quick serve restaurant, and retail. Please contact us for more information on how Americas Franchising Group can partner with your company to realize your growth potential.

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